Workplace giving

Giving in the workplace is a great way to do your part in empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to thrive at school and beyond.

It’s like regular giving, but pre-tax

Workplace giving allows you to make small, regular donations to NASCA directly from your pre-tax pay. It is a simple, low cost and effective way to help us provide continued support for our young people.

Benefits of workplace giving 

For workplaces, NASCA workplace giving brings together your colleagues and staff through shared values. Coming together over a shared social goal can lead to better engaged and motivated teams and set you apart as an employer of choice. For individuals, it’s an easy way to make a tax-deductible donation from your pay and see your impact multiply over time. It also reduces your taxable income.

A little bit can go a long way

You may not believe the difference you can make but…

If you donate $25 per month before tax per pay

it only costs you $17

meaning you save $96 a year on tax

Our workplace giving partners

About my donation to NASCA

Your company may already be part of the Good2Give platform. If not, ask your Payroll Administrator if your company has an existing Workplace Giving Program and registration form. 

Using your company’s payroll form, nominate NASCA as your charity and select the amount you would like to donate. For as little as $25 a month, you can help our program teams provide wrap-around, intensive support throughout the school year for an Indigenous young person.

Your Payroll Officer will set NASCA as a vendor. To obtain our BSB and Account number, please get in touch

Your donation will be deducted from your gross salary each pay period, meaning you receive immediate tax-saving without the need to keep records of your donations. Your employer will provide details of your donation in your end-of-financial-year PAYG Summary Statement, saving you time searching for receipts at tax time.

Workplace giving is a great way to save on your tax. If you want to find out how much you can save you can use this Donation Tax Calculator by Good2Give to calculate how much tax you will save by donating to your payroll. 

Providing a workplace-giving option for your employees means you’re actively contributing to your community, while also ensuring your team feels a greater sense of purpose at work.

Research has shown companies that demonstrate a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility have staff who feel more engaged and motivated.

The research shows that of those surveyed, 86 percent of employees say workplace giving makes them proud to work for their company (Good2Give’s Workplace Givers Revealed, 2016).

We would love to help you and answer any questions, feel free to get in touch with us. You can also get more information from the following organisations.

Good2Give (02) 9929 9633

Workplace Giving Australia (02) 9024 8630