NASCA partners with Viva Energy
11 July 2018
< 1 min read

Viva Energy and National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy partner to launch Resilience Program in Western Sydney
Viva Energy Australia (Viva Energy) and the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA) have entered into a partnership that will develop and deliver a Resilience Program for young Indigenous students across Western Sydney.
Viva Energy has invested $750,000 into the three-year program that will help 100 Aboriginal secondary school students from Penrith, Blacktown and Campbelltown increase attendance at school, improve their health and emotional wellbeing, and prevent substance misuse. NASCA will provide funding of $450,000 to the project.
The program will support vulnerable young people by providing study support, mentoring, with the aim of improving participation in a range of educational, recreational and cultural activities.
NASCA CEO, Leanne Townsend said, “Education is vital for anyone to succeed in life and this program aims to lift the current 32% Year 12 completion rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youths in the greater western Sydney region and bring it more into line with the 89% national completion rate for all Australians.
“We are very thankful to be partnering with Viva Energy to help provide students with a supportive framework for success and an environment that fosters cultural pride.”
Viva Energy’s CEO Scott Wyatt said, “We are delighted to be working with the NASCA to help drive positive social change within the communities that need it.
“This partnership further supports the work that we do within our community program to address issues of mental health, Indigenous participation and substance misuse. It will also provide a valuable opportunity for our employees to become involved in the project via a mentoring program,” he said.
The partnership complements Viva Energy’s Indigenous Participation work which includes a partnership with the Cathy Freeman Foundation and the Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services.