Gift in Wills
A gift to NASCA in your Will can empower our young people today, and strengthen our communities for tomorrow.

At NASCA, we believe the actions you take today can create a better tomorrow. By giving to NASCA you’re not only providing support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in school, you’re creating a positive ripple effect for their families, and communities.
A gift in your Will to NASCA can ensure your values are passed on. Of course, family and friends always come first and we believe talking to your loved ones is an important step before you create or finalise your Will. Once you have taken care of those closest to you, leaving a gift to NASCA means the causes you care about benefit too.
Gifts in Wills step-by-step guide
Your Will is an important document that must be properly prepared and executed. We recommend using a solicitor to make sure your Will is legal and valid.
If you are kind enough to include a gift to NASCA in your Will, make sure to include the correct wording below in step 3.
Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support NASCA. There are a number of different ways you can remember NASCA in your Will, depending on your circumstances.
Share of your estate, also known as a residuary gift. The residue of your estate is what remains of the estate once all your loved ones and charges have been paid. A residuary gift could be a percentage or the whole of the residue of your estate. Just 5, 10, 20%, or more of your estate can make a difference.
Fixed sum of money, also known as a pecuniary gift. This is when you leave an exact sum of money to us. It may be of interest to note that the value of this will decrease over time with inflation.
A specific gift. You may wish to leave us a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support our work. It could be property or an item of value such as real estate, art or a piece of jewellery.
It’s important that you use the correct wording, or your Will may be invalidated.
If you wish to donate a percentage of your estate after providing for loved ones
“ I give to NASCA (ABN 66 442 463 291), for its general purposes, free of all duties, ________% of my residuary estate for which an authorised receipt from NASCA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”
If you wish to donate what’s left over of your estate after providing for loved ones
“ I give to NASCA (ABN 66 442 463 291), for its general purposes, free of all duties, the whole of the residue of my estate for which an authorised receipt from NASCA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”
If you wish to donate a specific sum
“ I give to NASCA (ABN 66 442 463 291), for its general purposes, free of all duties, the sum of $_________ for which an authorised receipt from NASCA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”
If you wish to donate a specific item
“ I give to NASCA (ABN 66 442 463 291), for its general purposes, free of all duties, my________________ for which an authorised receipt from NASCA will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”
We believe that it’s important to talk to your family and loved ones about your Will. Communication will ensure your final wishes are carried out. Let your family know that an enduring gift to NASCA is important to you and advise any executors and guardians of your wishes.
We ask that you consider contacting us to let us know of your intended gift. Your notification helps us by:
- providing assurance of future investment into our priority areas of work
- allowing us to personalise all communication with you and focus on programs that interest you
- enabling us to invite you to events for face-to-face updates on our programs.
To notify us, please send an email to or call on (02) 8399 3071.
Our commitment to you
Including a gift in your Will to support NASCA is an important decision, and it’s one we want to make sure you are 100% happy with. We understand your family and loved ones come first. Once you’ve looked after those closest to you, we would be honoured if you think about leaving a gift to support our work.
We will handle whatever gift you leave us efficiently, so that it’s put to use where it is needed most.
We recognise you have every right to change your mind about a gift in your Will at any time.
If you decide to leave a gift in your Will to NASCA, you are under no obligation to share this information with us. However, we would find it helpful to know your wishes as it gives us the opportunity to personally thank you, and to plan for the future. Any information you share with us will be kept strictly confidential and will be used respectfully and appropriately.
Reach out to find out more about Gifts in Wills