Young Women’s Academy Program Lead – Canobolas, NSW

The objective of the Program Lead role is to work with students enrolled in the NASCA Academies to improve school attendance and ultimately school performance, develop career pathways and work-ready skills, and strengthen cultural pride and identity through life skills, personal development and long-term resilience.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver NASCA programs in schools including program planning, coordination, and implementation.
  • Maintain meaningful relationships with students, community members, and the school.
  • Undertake, as required, daily bus pickups and drops off.
  • Mentor and support First Nation students aged between 12-18 years, including facilitating and presenting workshops, and providing in-class tutoring and outside class assistance.
  • Provide NASCA Life Skills and School Engagement activities, eg. cooking, creative arts, leadership, CV creation, goal setting, and job-ready skills.
  • Provide, as required, a healthy breakfast program to NASCA students.
  • Organise physical education activities that include Traditional Indigenous Games.
  • Organise after-school and weekend activities and excursions.
  • Facilitate community activities, eg. fostering opportunities for cultural exchange between community, NASCA, and school.
  • Create Personalised Learning Pathway Plans for NASCA students.
  • Works in a team within schools, and occasionally works weekends and overnight to run residential programs and camps.
  • Other duties as requested.